
Ambient SA - Blog Everything you need to know about Blinds & Shutters. Read all about our latest news and trends and let us know what you think!

Room for Space

The Ambient Aluminium Shutter is not only applicable as a Security Shutter in the Ambient Range but can also be used as an Exterior Screen for privacy, decor and for the functionality and allocation of spaces such as Patios, Balcony’s or Outdoor Walkways.

Ambient Shutter Installation – Ahmed’s Textiles

This Ambient Shutter Installation – in the heart of Johannesburg – was recently completed by our dear friends, Ahmed’s Textiles. The pristine white walls, ceilings with splashes of colour complimented our shutters beautifully. The shutters create wonderful shadows and effects in the room while adding a sense of luxury and privacy.

Investing in Ambient Aluminium Security Shutters is a good idea

Shutters are attractive in any space with numerous fixing options such as Bi-fold, Hinged or Bypass. They are therefore versatile, easy to use, easy to clean and are aesthetically pleasing. For anyone wanting to weigh up the pros and cons of this product, this blog post is for you. The decision one makes to invest in such a luxury product should be taken seriously and reading through all the technical and design features may help you make up your mind as to whether Blinds or Shutters are what you are looking for.

Elegant and Modern Black and Grey – Ambient Venetian Basswood Blinds

Not quite grey and not quite taupe, these neutrals play to both sides of the color spectrum. It was therefore of course a no-brainer adding them to our Basswood 50mm Venetian Blinds and with our ever-growing Ambient range, we are very excited about these tones. Adding them as a back-drop and to areas of broader or larger spaces allows one to add bold color and accents to a room.

The launch of Ambient Security Aluminium Shutters

Ambient Security Shutters – In 2015 Focus embarked on the journey of becoming a manufacturer for a new range and product. Usually, when you have big news, you need a big plan. And that’s where the product launch came into play. From establishing the proper messaging to reach our audience, creating helpful content for our customers and setting the stage for the new product, we embarked on a three day launch and training session.

Accents that reinvent spaces: Table tops and décor ideas

Coffee tables, bookshelves and entertainment centres are placed in many areas of a home or space. The living room is the perfect example, full of all kinds of surfaces just waiting to be styled. I would like to use this blog post to talk about the most forgotten surface: the side table. It does not have to be just a place for cups and remotes, this piece of furniture can make a statement. Here are my tips and tricks for side table decorating options, both in functionality and style.

Green, Emerald and Jade; colours and accents for an interior upgrade!!!

We are coming up to our month of September and apart from it being Heritage month for South Africa, it also marks the start of spring. A time for new leaves upon the trees, the blooms of Jacaranda’s bosting purple beauty throughout our beautiful cities, and green. New, fresh and earthy tones begin to flourish everywhere and as such gives us the opportunity to share our green inspiration.

Our Unique Antique 50mm Venetian Blinds

Whenever one thinks of 50mm wooden blinds, an image of the usual Hibachi, Basswood, Bamboo or Faux-wood blinds come to mind. They are common window treatments, suitable for most rooms, depending on the utility of the space, and their simple design and construction makes them functional and easy to use. They are available in many different textures as well as rich and vibrant earthy colours, distinctly representing woods. The versatility and varied ranges thus makes this product some of the most popular and recognised world over. With their deep woody textures and colour, they have been in the blinds industries around the world, for decades.